The Iredell Council on Aging
Serving Iredell’s Older Adults for 50+ years
The Iredell Council on Aging is a private, not-for-profit agency devoted to improving the quality of life and maintaining independent living for Iredell’s older adults, 60 and older. There is no set fee for services, but clients are encouraged to make a contribution based on their income.
Funding for the COA comes from several sources. The Older Americans’ Act, passed in 1965, allots federal tax dollars to each state for various services. Local funds from Iredell County, Town of Mooresville, City of Statesville, support from United Way of Iredell County, agency fundraising, contributions from participants and business provide revenue.
There is no charge for services, but participants are encouraged to make cost-sharing contributions to the COA based on their income. The two senior centers have some fees. All contributions go back into the services or programs. Requests for services can be made by individuals, family members, doctors, home health agencies, hospitals, and extended care facilities.
Designed by the Iredell County Board of Commissioners as the focal point on aging, the Council on Aging is dedicated to improving the quality of life of Iredell’s older adults by:
Promoting and improving the well-being of older adults;
- Bringing to public attention the needs of aging in the county;
- Promoting a positive attitude toward aging among all age groups;
- Bringing the community’s influence, in all respects, to bear on local, state, and national programs on aging;
- Serving as the official advisory board to the County Commissioners on matters pertaining to the objectives of the Council on Aging; and
- Securing funds and other assets by way of donations, contributions, and grants from city, county, state and federal governments.
The COA has grown significantly over the past 50+ years and continues to serve older adults in Iredell County. Take a look…
- 1973 - Steering Committee
- 1974 - COA incorporated
- 1974 - Home-delivered Meals
- 1975 - First COA Director
- 1975 - Transportation
- 1976 - Nursing Home Ombudsman
- 1977 - Health Screening Project
- 1980 - Iredell Senior Center
- 1981 - Congregate Meal Sites (Statesville and Mooresville)
- 1982- In-Home Chore Service
- 1983 - Senior Employment/Training
- 1988 - Respite Care Service
- 1989 - Congregate Meal Site (Harmony)
- 1995 - South Iredell Senior Center
- 2000 - Congregate Meal Site (Troutman)